The Psychologists Act, 1997 was proclaimed March 1, 2002.
The Saskatchewan College of Psychologists is governed by a Council which consists of the following positions: President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and three Members-at-Large. It is also mandated to include three Public Representatives appointed by the provincial Government. The first general election of a new Council of the College was held in March 2003.
The Psychologists Act, 1997 is available on the website of the King’s Printer, as well as via the link below:
The Administrative, Fee, Regulatory, Professional Corporation, and, Limited Liability Partnership Bylaws are available here:
- Administrative Bylaws Sep 2021
- Fee Bylaws October 2023
- Regulatory Bylaws 2021 (published in The Saskatchewan Gazette Sep 1-23)
- Professional Corporation Bylaws 2021
- Limited Liability Partnership Bylaws 2021
The Mutual Recognition Agreement is available:
The most recent Canadian Code of Ethics for Psychologists from the Canadian Psychological Association is available:
Documents are available through these links as PDF files. To view or print these documents you must have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.