Council welcomes feedback from members, applicants, and members of the public. Please e-mail, phone, or write to the SCP office, and the Registrar will forward your feedback to us. See the home page for contact information.
The SCP has several Committees that are essential to its operation and to the promotion of psychology in the Province of Saskatchewan. The members of the College who are currently serving on these committees are listed below. The webpage Committees of the College contains information about the duties, terms and time commitments of the various committees. You can view the specific responsibilities of each committee below. A document that outlines the responsibilities of all committees, details of the membership structure for each, length of term and time commitments is available here. Individual members of Council and the Committees are not able to give opinions or to comment on specific interpretations of the Act, Bylaws, or policies for an individual situation. If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to the College Office. They will be answered by the Registrar or forwarded to either Council or to the appropriate committee. |