

The Register of the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists (below) is a list of all psychologists registered in Saskatchewan. In order for a person to be registered with the SCP, the psychologist must have met the educational, supervised experience and examination requirements of the College (see Registration section on this web site for more details). An explanation of the Register headings is provided below.

Educational Designation

In Saskatchewan a person can be registered at a Masters or Doctoral level. Educational designations beginning with M. (e.g. M. Ed. or M. A. or M. Sc.) indicate that the psychologist has a Masters degree. Educational designations of Ph.D., Psy.D. or Ed.D. indicate that the psychologist has a doctorate. The degree listed is the highest degree achieved in the field of psychology earned from an accredited university, and used for the purpose of satisfying registration requirements.

Types of Practice

There are also different types of practice. A non-practising member (NP) is someone who is not actively working as a psychologist. A full-practising (FP) member is able to practise without supervision or any other restrictions. A provisional practice (PP) member has been granted a provisional license to practise until they complete the remaining requirements of registration, which is most often additional supervised experience.

Authorized Practice Endorsement (APE)

An Authorized Practice Endorsement (APE) is required to communicate a psychological diagnosis in Saskatchewan. “Yes” under APE indicates that the psychologist has been approved by the College to make diagnoses. “NO” indicates that the psychologist does not have this approval.

This list was last revised on Feb 12, 2025. If you have additional questions about the register, please contact the SCP office directly.

** Please refer to Discipline Decisions here

Register of the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists

A PDF version of the Register is also available for downloading and printing.


1 NP: non-practising member, someone not actively working as a psychologist

FP: full-practising member, able to practise without supervision or any other restrictions

PP: provisional practice member, has been granted a provisional license to practise until they complete the remaining requirements of registration, which is most often additional supervised experience

2 Yes: the psychologist has been approved by the College to make diagnoses
NO: the psychologist does not have this approval
This list was last revised in February 2025. If you have additional questions about the register, please contact the SCP office directly.
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