Location: SCP Office
Chair: Glenn Pancyr (President)
Present: Rori Lee (Secretary), Michael White (Treasurer), Michelle Shaw (Member-at-Large), Dan Ash (Public Representative), Tim Claypool (President-Elect), David Butt (Public Representative), Kathy Chisholm (Public Representative), Karen Litke (Past-President), Renee Schmidt (Member-at-Large)
Regrets: Shannon Fuchs-Lacelle (Member-at-Large)
Karen Messer-Engel (Executive Director/Registrar, ex-officio)
- The details for the Annual General Meeting to be held May 14, 2016 were finalized. The budget was reviewed for presentation to the members at the AGM.
- The Advisory – HIPA Amendment was approved for posting to the website.
- Council reviewed the redacted Discipline Committee decision of April 8, 2016 pertaining to Mr. Dennis Arbuthnott, M.A., R. Psych and approved it for posting to the website.
- Council reviewed policy revision OP 3.4 for approval.
- The College was asked to participate in a telephone consultation in regards to physician assisted dying and the related report.
- Council reviewed the notification letter from ASPPB in regards to the development of the competency-based skills exam for entry-level licensure and mid-career (EPPP step 2). It allows for more licensure standards and mobility across jurisdiction.
- Council was provided with information in regards to mental health service needs facing First Nations Communities. First Nations Inuit Health Branch (Health Canada) has requested to work more collaboratively with the College in addressing same quality of services in northern communities through education.