Highlights of April 25, 2015 Meeting
Location: SCP Office – the meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m.
Chair: Karen Litke(President)
Rori Lee (Secretary), Shannon Fuchs-Lacelle (Member-at-Large), Marion McKenzie (Public Representative), Jenny Keller (Past-President), Tim Claypool (Member-at-Large), Dan Ash (Public Representative), Cathy Fieldgate (Treasurer)
Karen Messer-Engel (Executive Director/Registrar)
Regrets: Glenn Pancyr (President-Elect), Renee Schmidt (Member-at-Large), Kathy Chisholm (Public Representative)
- The draft Regulatory Bylaws were reviewed. Changes were made and a further draft will be completed for Council’s review prior to re-submission to the Ministry of Health.
- Arrangements for the Annual General Meeting were reviewed.
- Nominations for Executive Council were reviewed.
- Investigative and discipline processes were reviewed and considered.
- Request for review of the SASW regulatory bylaws was reviewed and considered.
- An inquiry for PAS re: psychologists supervising social workers regarding diagnostic practice was received and considered.
- Revisions of the Terms of Reference for the Nominations Committee were accepted.