Highlights of April 25, 2015

 Highlights of April 25, 2015 Meeting


Location: SCP Office – the meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m.

Chair: Karen Litke(President)


Rori Lee (Secretary), Shannon Fuchs-Lacelle (Member-at-Large), Marion McKenzie (Public Representative), Jenny Keller (Past-President), Tim Claypool (Member-at-Large), Dan Ash (Public Representative), Cathy Fieldgate (Treasurer)


Karen Messer-Engel (Executive Director/Registrar)

Regrets: Glenn Pancyr (President-Elect), Renee Schmidt (Member-at-Large), Kathy Chisholm (Public Representative)

  1. The draft Regulatory Bylaws were reviewed. Changes were made and a further draft will be completed for Council’s review prior to re-submission to the Ministry of Health.
  2. Arrangements for the Annual General Meeting were reviewed.
  3. Nominations for Executive Council were reviewed.
  4. Investigative and discipline processes were reviewed and considered.
  5. Request for review of the SASW regulatory bylaws was reviewed and considered.
  6. An inquiry for PAS re: psychologists supervising social workers regarding diagnostic practice was received and considered.
  7. Revisions of the Terms of Reference for the Nominations Committee were accepted.


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