Highlights of September 12, 2015 Executive Council Meeting
Location: SCP Office – the meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.
Chair: Glenn Pancyr(President)
Present: Rori Lee (Secretary), Michael White (Treasurer), Michelle Shaw (Member-at-Large), Dan Ash (Public Representative), Karen Litke (Past-President), Shannon Fuchs-Lacelle (Member-at-Large), Kathy Chisholm (Public Representative), Tim Claypool (President-Elect), David Butt (Public Representative)
Karen Messer-Engel (Executive Director/Registrar)
Regrets: Renee Schmidt (Member-at-Large)
- The practice advisory “Parenting Capacity Assessment/Custody and Access Assessments” was reviewed and approved for posting to the website. The Executive Council wishes to thank Ms. Patty Crassweller (Chair of the PCC) for her work on the initial draft of the advisory, and Dr. Elizabeth Ivanochko for her work to establish the final version.
- The practice advisory “Duty to Report Under the Traffic Safety Act” was reviewed and approved for posting to the website.
- Revision to Policy OP-3.10, Registration and Authorized Practice Endorsement was reviewed and approved.
- The establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee on the Professional Practice Guidelines was approved. The Ad Hoc Committee will be charged with the responsibility to review the current guidelines, research best practice, and make recommendations to the Executive Council in regard to revision of the guidelines.
- Council is exploring how technology could be used to enhance the work of the College.
- The Annual General Meeting date has been changed to May 14, 2016 and as previously decided will be held in Regina.