Welcome to the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists

The regulatory body for the profession of psychology in Saskatchewan.


Public InfoMember Info

Who We Are

The Saskatchewan College of Psychologists is the regulatory body for the profession of Psychology in the province. To use the title “Psychologist” and represent oneself as a member of the profession one must be registered with the College. The Register is a listing of all psychologists in the province. To be registered one must meet specific educational, supervised experience, ethical and competency standards.

Our Mission

Our mission is to regulate the profession through the registration of psychologists and ensure the protection of the public through the ethical, competent practice of the members.

The College is a responsible, responsive and professional organization that respects the rights and dignity of others and the integrity of relationships.

What We Do

The College is responsible to establish the standards for licensure of Psychologists in Saskatchewan, to establish standards for the practice and conduct of those Psychologists, and to accept and address concerns raised regarding that practice and/or conduct. These responsibilities have been given to the profession by Government. The actions of the College are taken in the interest of public protection.

An Apology to Indigenous peoples and a Pledge to be Anti-Racist

The Saskatchewan College of Psychologists and all members of our professional organization and with other psychology regulatory organizations in Canada, formally and unequivocally apologize to the Indigenous peoples (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) and communities who have experienced racism while engaging with the Saskatchewan College of Psychologists or with the psychology professionals we regulate.

We know that, as psychologists, we rarely listened carefully enough to Indigenous peoples. We rarely respected traditional skills, expertise, world views and unique wisdom of Indigenous peoples.

We sincerely apologize for psychological services that have not and do not honour cultural beliefs and world views and that convey inaccurate and misleading conclusions.

To demonstrate our sincere commitment to this apology, we pledge to work together with Indigenous partners and move ahead in a good way.

Full Practice Members

Provisional Members


Serving in Community Agencies


Serving in Private Practices

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